September 30, 2019 | #WeAreMainStreet In Action: September 2019 Roundup |
This September, we officially launched the We Are Main Street campaign, a year-long 40th anniversary celebration showcasing the people who make Main Streets shine. In just a month, we are amazed by the outpour of individuals and organizations who have already participated in the celebration – from inspiring stories and fun features, to in-depth profiles of the people who power Main Street.
For the opportunity to be featured in our national campaign, we invite you to take photos of the people that make your communities shine. Each month we’ll be showcasing these Main Street stories using monthly themes through features on our blog, website, social channels, and more. Ask your community members (leaders, local business owners, entrepreneurs, volunteers, or anyone who is a Main Street Champion) to fill out the We Are Main Street postcard, pose with it at their favorite spot on Main Street, and share their photos and stories using #WeAreMainStreet.
Below are a few highlights from those who already shared what Main Street means to them. Scroll through the photos and get inspired with our helpful tips at the end!
Main Street is...Teamwork!
"To me, Main Street is a lot of things and there is always a new, trendy word or phrase to describe it (and I usually love them all). When I think of the Main Street Approach and its core mission, 'teamwork' comes to my mind first. Main Street creates the ability for people to make a place matter. Community revitalization at its core is people agreeing to work together to transform, preserve, and maintain a place. That takes teamwork! That IS Main Street! People coming together is what makes it matter." –Josh Adams, Executive Director, Downtown Owosso (Michigan)
Main Street is...the Heart of it All
To Megan, Main Street is the heart of it all. The heart of our history, our economy, our small businesses, and our future. She loves working with the downtown community as the Executive Director of Downtown Rome, Georgia. Show your Main Street pride with the official #WeAreMainStreet campaign t-shirt! Check out the full spread of merchandise by clicking here.
Here's what Main Street means to new Executive Directors...
Norma Ramírez de Miess, NMSC's Sr. Program Officer and Director of Leadership Development, conducted a training for new Main Street Directors in Downtown Lansing. What a great way to welcome this wonderful group of leaders to our Main Street family and invite them for a picture in support of our #WeAreMainStreet campaign!
Making their Main Streets Shine...
Pennsylvania Downtown Center’s Board Chair Naomi Johnson-Naylor, Manager of Quakertown Alive, pictured with PDC's Bill Fontana and Kim Wuest Kmetz, Manager of Easton Main Street Initiative.
Celebrating 40 years of Main Street America, 40 Years of Texas Main Street, and 30 years of Denison Main Street, Texas!
"We are going to be showing our pride of what Main Street means to us. We are proud of our heritage and will show our stories." ~Donna Dow, Executive Director of Denison Main Street, shares a plan to participate in our #WeAreMainStreet campaign in a recent Facebook Live video.
Main Street is...Progress
The Ellensburg Downtown Association (WA) Staff and Board are joining the 40-year celebration by expressing what Main Street means to them.
Main Street is...Irreplaceable
Be on the lookout for all of the downtown businesses and eateries that will be participating in this campaign with their giant picture frame and postcards that can show what Main Street means to each of us. —Downtown Liberty, Missouri
Main Street is...Family...and so much more!

Kissimmee Main Street had a chance to visit their merchants, neighbors and friends and asked what Main Street means to them. Click here to see a picture slideshow.
Main Street is...Family
“Main Street is... family. My downtown family has become one of the closets knit groups that dreams together, works side by side to better our town, and supports one another. There’s no other people with which I’d rather do life!” —Stephanie Gardner, Executive Director of Durant Main Street, Oklahoma
Main Street is...Community
"Our Board of Directors tirelessly supports us. They invest their time, resources and their hearts into Gig Harbor's Downtown Waterfront. It is not an exaggeration to say they are AWESOME! Thank you to each and every one of you." —Gig Harbor Downtown Waterfront Alliance, Washington
Main Street is...
Emily Ardoin, National Register Coordinator; Ray Scriber, Director, Louisiana Main Street; and Ashley Gaudlip, Tax Incentives Reviewer, pose with fun props at Destination Downtown in Hammond, LA.
Get Started Today
If you haven’t already, take a look at the We are Main Street landing page for simple steps (and some inspiration) on how to participate in the campaign. It includes:
A toolkit outlining monthly campaign themes;
An online swag shop where you can purchase t-shirts, pins, tote bags, and more;
Downloadable social media graphics and printable materials (includes postcard and photo frame).
Please note: During the month of October, we are looking to feature your community leaders for our We Are Main Street campaign! From Main Street staff and board members to city leaders and community partners, we will be celebrating the professionals who are committed to the success of your Main Street. If you have a community leader you'd like to nominate, please email Ariana Pup, NMSC's Communications Coordinator at with your interest.
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Instagram: @NatlMainStreet
Twitter: @NatlMainStreet