The Simons Foundation's Science Discovery on Main Street Grant Program | Main Street America
Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Community Grants

Discover and tap into your community’s unique science assets

Main Street America, through a generous grant from Simons Foundation International administered by the Simons Foundation’s Science, Society & Culture division, is thrilled to announce our new Science Discovery on Main Street grant program.

During a parade at dusk, a woman wearing a light-up dress and wings walks down a city street.

Little Rock, Arkansas © SoMA Little Rock

With green background, designed image with words, "Science Discovery on Main Street" with logos for the Simons Foundation, the Simons Foundation International Ltd, and Main Street America, and collage of photos in hexagonal pattern.

Program Details

The Science Discovery on Main Street grant program aims to help Main Street communities uncover and leverage their unique science assets, history, and features towards building local pride and creating engaging local attractions and activities.

What's it all about?

The Science Discovery on Main Street grant program provides funding and support to help Main Street communities research, identify, and celebrate their unique scientific assets or history through partnerships and programming. 

Through the Science Discovery on Main Street grant program, communities will receive professional support to explore science engagement activities as Promotion, as defined by the Four Point Approach. By connecting the Main Street Approach and science engagement, this program will help your community take steps towards inspiring curiosity, joy, and pride in what makes your community unique and towards attracting visitors through science-inspired events and activities. 

How does it work?

Designated Main Street Communities may apply for one (1) of twelve (12) Discovery Grants of $12,500.

Discovery Grants will be used to:

  • Complete asset mapping and a community engagement process to research, explore, and identify local science assets, with support from planning and science engagement experts.
  • Devise plans to create with partners new, potential creative signature events and community engagement activities that celebrate and invite others to explore your unique science assets.

After the Discovery Grant period, there will be an opportunity for up to seven (7) communities to receive Implementation Grants to put their plans into action.

Grantees will also:

  • Receive additional 1‑on‑1 technical assistance;
  • Participate in cohort learning and connection opportunities, and;
  • Receive support for one (1) person to attend the Main Street Now conference in Philadelphia in April 2025 for a special required convening of Science Discovery on Main Street recipients to learn, network, and share ideas.
What do we mean by “science assets” and “science engagement”?

A science asset is a unique facet of your community or place that can be leveraged for learning, creative events, activities, or placemaking for your community. Science engagement can take many forms. See this blog from Ben Wiehe, Manager of Experimental Practice at the MIT Museum and Manager of the Science Festival Alliance, for more on engaging with science on Main Street.

Examples of engaging with science on Main Street:

  • Themed events that highlight unique science assets of your town
  • A parade that includes science
  • Science-based movie nights 
  • Local trivia nights that include science categories
Who can apply?

Rural Main Street America designated communities (Accredited and Affiliate) in good standing are invited to apply for this grant program. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Main Street America designated community organization
  • Located in a rural area (population of 50,000 or less)
  • Commitment to creating science engagement opportunities for residents through Main Street organization and/​or by leveraging partnerships 
  • The organization’s annual operating budget is less than $1 million 

Full eligibility requirements are coming soon.

Unsure of your Main Street America designation or member status? Contact membership@​mainstreet.​org or (312) 6105613.

How will applications be evaluated?

We are looking for passionate Main Street leaders, especially from under-resourced and under-funded rural communities, who want to:

  • Develop fresh approaches to community identity and programming;
  • Promote scientific curiosity in their residents and visitors;
  • Breathe new life into downtown areas and public spaces.

Applications will be judged based on the following evaluation criteria:

Evaluation Criteria

  • Community Need
  • Commitment to Exploring Science & Science Engagement for your Main Street
  • Partners, Engagement, Resources
  • Sustainability & Feasibility
Why participate?
  • Discover new ways to highlight hidden gems of scientific significance in your community’s history or environment;
  • Create unique activities around this asset that set your community apart;
  • Receive professional support to explore using science engagement for Main Street Promotions;
  • Boost local pride and engagement in your community;
  • Attract attention, and visitors and increase foot traffic in your Main Street district;
  • Use science engagement activities to help your Main Street district put the Main Street Approach into full effect.
  • Foster new and existing partnerships with local partners towards a more vibrant Main Street. 
What are some examples of science assets we could leverage or discover through the grant program?
  • Historical scientific events or innovations with scientific significance
  • Birthplaces or homes of famous (or lesser known) scientists
  • Unique natural phenomena (e.g., rare local flowers and flora, unique local tree species, bioluminescence)
  • Special geographical features (e.g. unique trails or vistas, geological sites of significance)
  • Agricultural products with unique biological aspects
  • Unique opportunities or ideal conditions for scientific activities (e.g., dark sky communities for star gazing and solar observation)

For this grant program, your community does not have to have a science asset. In fact, we ask that all participating communities go through the Discovery process – even if they have one already in mind.

When does the application open?

The Science Discovery on Main Street grant program application closed on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. CT. Be sure to subscribe to our emails here to get a reminders and other important announcements. 

How do I apply?

The application is now closed.

Informational Webinar

View the on-demand recording of our informational webinar below to learn more about the program, eligibility, and how to apply. 

Still have questions? Please reach out to our team at sciencediscovery@​mainstreet.​org.

Looking for examples?

Here are some examples of communities that have implemented similar projects and activities.

Community Event Scientific Asset

Excelsior Springs, Missouri

Water Fest the Chamber of Commerce's annual signature event that started as a celebration of the town’s natural mineral water heritage. Year-round, sites and activities for residents and visitors include the Hall of Waters, the Excelsior Springs Museum & Archives, and several mineral water pagodas marking historic well sites, such as the Superior Well Pagoda.

Special geographical feature

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Los Alamos Main Street and Creative District their community's historic connection to science through ScienceFest and other programs and promotions.

Historical events with scientific significance

Ennis, Texas

Ennis was designated by the 1997 State Legislature as the home of the Official Texas Bluebonnet Trail and was designated the Official Bluebonnet City of Texas. Ennis showcases over 40 miles of mapped driving Bluebonnet Trails sponsored by the Ennis Garden Club. Ennis celebrates the stunning bluebonnet flower of Texas with the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails and Festival. They highlight the flower through other local places and activities, too such as their farmer’s market which was created in 2014 and renamed Bluebonnet Market in 2020.

Unique natural phenomena


Please reach out to our team at sciencediscovery@​mainstreet.​org.

Supporting Partner

This program is funded by Simons Foundation International and administered by the Simons Foundation’s Science, Society & Culture division. Simons Foundation International (SFI) is a philanthropy whose mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. Since its founding in 1994 by Jim and Marilyn Simons, the foundation has been a champion of basic science through grant funding, support for research and public engagement. We believe in asking big questions and providing sustained support to researchers working to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The Simons Foundation’s Science, Society and Culture division seeks to provide opportunities for people to forge a connection to science — whether for the first time or a lifetime. Through our initiatives, we work to inspire a feeling of awe and wonder, foster connections between people and science and support environments that provide a sense of belonging.