Main Street America, through a generous grant from Simons Foundation International administered by the Simons Foundation’s Science, Society & Culture division, is thrilled to announce our new Science Discovery on Main Street grant program. Open now through Friday, January 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m., this initiative aims to help rural Main Street communities uncover and leverage their unique science assets, history, and features towards building local pride and creating engaging local attractions and activities.
Through the Science Discovery on Main Street grant program, 12 grants of $12,500 are available for designated Main Street America communities with populations of 50,000. The grants will be used for researching and identifying unique local scientific assets and to devise plans to create new events and activities that celebrate this asset. After the Discovery Grant period, there will be an opportunity for up to seven (7) communities to receive Implementation Grants to put their plans into action.
By connecting the Main Street Approach and science engagement, this program will help communities take steps towards inspiring curiosity, joy, and pride in what makes the community unique and towards attracting visitors through science-inspired events and activities.
To apply now or learn more about the program requirements, eligibility criteria, and more, please visit the grant program webpage here.
All eligible communities are also invited to join an informational webinar on Monday, November 18, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. CT to learn more about the program, eligibility and how to apply. Register for the webinar here.