David West, Main Street South Australia
Join host Matt Wagner as he welcomes David West, director of Premier Retail Marketing and based in Adelaide, South Australia.
Join us for three days of learning, connecting, and celebrating at Main Street Now 2025 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 7 – 9.
Secure Your Spot!Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams
We work in collaboration with thousands of local partners and grassroots leaders across the nation who share our commitment to advancing shared prosperity, creating resilient economies, and improving quality of life.
Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street
Made up of small towns, mid-sized communities, and urban commercial districts, the thousands of organizations, individuals, volunteers, and local leaders that make up Main Street America™ represent the broad diversity that makes this country so unique.
Chicago, Illinois © Main Street America
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Waterloo, Iowa © Main Street Waterloo
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Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street
Join us in our work to advance shared prosperity, create strong economies, and improve quality of life in downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts.
Welcome to the 2019 edition of State of Main, the annual publication of Main Street America. Serving as both an annual report and an industry journal, State of Main provides a detailed look back on all that we have accomplished together and offers cutting-edge ideas and trends in the commercial district revitalization field.
This year’s edition is dedicated to celebrating the incredible depth and diversity of the Main Street experience and exploring the role of place in creating stronger communities. With articles written by industry experts on topics ranging from the transformative placemaking to inclusive entrepreneurship, the publication is brimming with tools, tips, and strategies that will help you lead a results-oriented revitalization effort.
A Proven Economic Development Strategy
By Ed McMahon, Main Street America Board Chair
Dollar for dollar, pound for pound, Main Street is one of the most effective economic development programs ever created. Developed over 35 years ago, the Main Street four-point framework has a proven record in over 2,000 communities of creating new jobs and businesses while also rehabilitating countless historic buildings and revitalizing thousands of Main Streets and disinvested commercial corridors.
Why We Need To Invest in Transformative Placemaking
By Jennifer Vey, senior fellow with the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution and director of the Bass Center
In an era marked by stark inequalities — by income and wealth, by race and ethnicity, by geography — there is an urgency, and opportunity, for local and regional leaders to embrace and advance place-led development that produces better economic outcomes for more people in more places. To help deliver on that imperative, the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program launched the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking in collaboration with Project for Public Spaces, the National Main Street Center, and others. Learn more the Bass Center in in this piece by Jennifer Vey, senior fellow with the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution and director of the Center.
The Importance of Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystems
By Dell Gines, Senior Community Development Advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
In this article, Dell Gines, Senior Community Development Advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, takes a look at the importance of entrepreneurship in our national and local economies, discusses the entrepreneurship ecosystem movement as an economic development strategy designed to spur local entrepreneurship, delves into the emerging focus of inclusive economic development, and concludes by examining ways to create inclusion in the development of entrepreneurship ecosystems.
Activating the Main Street Approach through Placemaking
By Michael Wagler, Coordinator for Main Street Iowa
Michael Wagler, Main Street Iowa Coordinator at the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Downtown Resource Center, explores how placemaking principles can be utilized as an implementation strategy of local Main Street efforts to empower community members and create more action-oriented programs. He provides strategies on how to get started, offers inspiring case stories of programs across the state that are demonstrating impact and change through placemaking activities, and outlines tips for creating a more action-oriented Main Street program.