$1.8 Million Awarded in Sub-Grants Through USDOT Thriving Communities Program | Main Street America
Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Historic brick buildings lining Main Street in small town.

Beloit, Kansas © Shane Hampton

Main Street America is pleased to announce the launch of a $1.8 million sub-grant program as part of our partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Thriving Communities Program. This initiative will provide crucial funding support to 20 rural and Tribal communities across the country, helping them develop and implement transformative transportation and infrastructure projects. 

As a recipient of $5.9 million from USDOT’s Thriving Communities Program, Main Street America is working to help communities access historic funding opportunities available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Our focus is on supporting rural and Tribal commercial district development, with a particular emphasis on strengthening local capacity to compete for and execute federal infrastructure projects. 

As part of the program, Main Street America is providing subgrants to each community over a two-year period, matching technical assistance providers with communities based on assessment results and providing specialized grant assistance from application to project execution. The sub-grant award amount is $90,000 per community, totaling $1.8 million in funding. 

The sub-award program encourages collaboration and innovative solutions to help address community-specific needs around comprehensive transportation projects that increase mobility, reduce pollution, expand affordable transportation options, and connect communities to the resources they need to help them thrive. 

This sub-grant program represents a significant step forward in our mission to strengthen rural and Tribal communities through infrastructure development,” said Erin Barnes, Main Street America President and CEO. By providing both funding and technical assistance, we’re helping ensure these communities can successfully compete for and implement transformative transportation projects.” 

Here is a full list of the participating communities and their subgrant projects: 

Bois Forte Band of Chippewa | Minnesota 
The Bois Forte Band will focus on building staff capacity within the Tribe, given limited staff to carry out comprehensive transportation planning efforts. The Tribe will use the funds to support staff positions centered around transportation and to contract a grant writer to find additional funds to develop safe pedestrian connections to the community ball fields and pantry. 

City of Cedartown | Georgia 
The city will advance the Davis Road Expansion project to support industrial expansions, allowing Cedartown to improve the economic disadvantages faced by the community. Funding will support feasibility studies, traffic evaluation, and environmental constraint assessments to position the community for DOT and other federal grant opportunities. 

City of Independence | Oregon 
The city will focus on environmental preparation work for a corridor development and a north/​south multi-use path to enhance safety and access to the daily services located in the area. Projects include completing wetland delineation, environmental and archaeological reviews for NEPA compliance, and preparing comprehensive documentation for future funding opportunities. 

City of Macomb | Illinois 
Macomb will hire consultants to guide an Active Transportation Plan, grant writing support, and to launching a shared street safety campaign. All three project areas generate a great deal of pedestrian traffic and will allow the City to connect its residents to future on-street paths for safety and ease of use. 

City of McAlester | Oklahoma 
The city will conduct a comprehensive sidewalk infrastructure assessment and gather public input on safety, tourism, and active transportation needs. Additionally, they will engage the public in mobility planning with a pavement surface mural in the Old Town area and conduct right-of-way research and concept development to assess viability of a new trail along a rail corridor in the Old Town area. 

City of Milford | Delaware 
Milford will take the first step to advance planning for connectivity between Milford and the Town of Slaughter Beach.. The project includes analyzing existing conditions, conducting community engagement activities, and identifying potential route alternatives to create a safe transportation connection and regional recreational amenity.

City of Monroe | Louisiana 
The city will engage the public in mobility safety planning for the Downtown Art Alley to South Second corridor area, by developing and installing murals. The overall goals of the project are to protect pedestrians utilizing the high traffic areas; further connecting the downtown corridor through street murals and giving communities a sense of ownership and connection. 

City of Rexburg | Idaho 
Rexburg will prepare preliminary designs and conceptual drawings for the 5th West River Connection project, including pedestrian pathways that they have been working on for five years. There is only one accessible crossing over the river within the cityThe work will enhance future RAISE grant applications and advance plans for right-of-way acquisition and environmental assessments to improve public safety response times and traffic resiliency. 

City of Villisca | Iowa 
The city will focus on organizational capacity building and community engagement, including staff restructuring and developing public engagement processes. Funds will support catalytic projects demonstrating the city’s commitment to community improvement. 

City of York | Alabama 
York will focus on corridor improvements and community aesthetics through mural implementation, support staff members to build capacity, and conduct a retail leakage analysis to support economic development initiatives in the downtown area. 

County of Henry | Virginia 
The county will develop an active transportation plan to pursue funding for trail and pedestrian networks. The project includes creating inspirational video and photographic content for The Campaign to Build Trail Love,” aimed at building community support and regional awareness for active transportation development. 

First Tennessee Rural Planning Organization | Tennessee 
The organization will conduct studies focused on improving the environment for pedestrian and bicycle transportation. Projects include updating Mountain City’s Land Use and Transportation Policy Plan and conducting an environmental assessment for upgrading the Iron Mountain Trail to a multi-use trail. 

Forest County Potawatomi Community | Wisconsin 
The tribe will strengthen its transportation and urbanization capacity through the development of a Long Range Transportation Plan. The project includes completing a cost-benefit analysis for planned bike and pedestrian paths connecting Carter to Wabeno, while identifying critical planning activities for the urbanization of FCPC’s populated communities. 

Mineral County | Nevada 
The county will redesign Hawthorne’s Downtown District, focusing on a one mile stretch of road. The project will enhance pedestrian walkability, improve parking for local businesses, and incorporate bike lanes to promote safety for all transportation modes. 

North Central Regional Planning Commission | Kansas 
The commission will support five participating counties with preliminary engineering reports, enhance communications staff support, and provide fare underwriting for public transportation. The project aims to prepare communities for funding requests and demonstrate the need for expanded public transportation access. 

Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe | Washington 
The tribe will focus on building comprehensive grant management capacity throughout the tribal government. The project aims to develop robust oversight processes for grant-related activities, ensuring effective fund utilization and clean audits. 

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe | North Dakota and South Dakota 
The tribe will focus on capacity building throughout the tribal government to meet federal oversight and project management for previously awarded federal transportation grants. 

Town of Elizabethtown | North Carolina 
Through public and stakeholder engagement, the town will develop community-driven infrastructure plans focused on community center development. The project emphasizes strengthening relationships between New Town residents and town officials while supporting sustained investment in community improvements. 

Trinidad Rancheria | California 
The Rancheria will enhance its capacity to pursue federal grant opportunities through technical studies and long-term planning initiatives. The project focuses on building grant management capabilities, fostering community engagement in development decisions, and improving planning processes through comprehensive technical analysis. 

Village of Indiantown | Florida 
The village will partner with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council to prioritize projects, conduct community outreach, and secure grant funding. The project includes creating data-driven maps and information to identify patterns of population movement and travel within the village. 

About the Thriving Communities Program

The Thriving Communities Program will run through May 2025, with participating communities receiving ongoing support from Main Street America and our partners, including CTL Engineering, Equiticity, the National Association of Development Organizations, Project for Public Spaces, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership. Learn more here.