Innovative Solutions for Our Streets
Despite these challenges, active transportation offers exciting innovation, where best practices in transportation and health converge and align. In the past twenty years, the public health field has focused on the Social Determinants of Health — the circumstances in people’s lives that impact their health (like education, income, the built environment, access to care, and community support) beyond just their personal behaviors and any direct clinical care they receive. With this new focus, preventive health has identified built environment solutions as ways to address population-level health problems. Instead of being limited to prescribing medication or therapy to individuals, public health promoters are seeking infrastructure improvements as strategies to increase physical activity for the whole community.
One of the best ways to achieve community-wide increases in physical activity is to ensure safe, accessible, and inviting networks of walkable and bikeable routes connecting daily destinations. Such human-centered design approaches fall under the rubric of Complete Streets, a model which seeks to create roads that are safe, and feel safe, for all street users, regardless of their mode of travel. While that may sound obvious, it is sadly not very common. However, Main Streets are ideal places to reimagine street design and restore balanced transportation.
Philly’s Vision and Action for Safety
Philadelphia, and other communities in Pennsylvania, are taking on the daunting challenge of making streets safer. Rather than accepting steadily rising casualties, these communities are making Vision Zero commitments through a variety of tactics, including asserting the goal of zero deaths and life-altering injuries in traffic by a specific date, assessing existing roads to identify high injury areas, and deploying design strategies to make people safer by slowing vehicles down, separating vulnerable road users from vehicles, and increasing visibility. The new configurations being deployed in the public rights-of-way help to reclaim streets as public spaces. As a result, they are once again becoming places where people enjoy spending time — and spending money — rather than just speeding through. In addition to protecting people walking and biking, Complete Streets are also places where businesses thrive and public space is lively, rather than damped by traffic noise, dirt, and danger.
Philadelphia is also one of 36 communities in Pennsylvania, and around 1600 across the country, that have been awarded funding through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act as part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All program. This funding helps to assess transportation safety, test out safer designs, and implement infrastructure improvements. It complements program and policy initiatives in place to educate people about their own role in safe streets and to create a regulatory environment that encourages and supports walkable, bikeable, accessible, and livable neighborhoods.