Main Spotlight: Fostering Connection in BHAM by Creating Third Spaces in Downtown Birmingham and Woodlawn | Main Street America
Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

Chicago, Illinois © Main Street America


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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

Waterloo, Iowa © Main Street Waterloo

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


We work in collaboration with thousands of local partners and grassroots leaders across the nation who share our commitment to advancing shared prosperity, creating resilient economies, and improving quality of life.

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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street

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Made up of small towns, mid-sized communities, and urban commercial districts, the thousands of organizations, individuals, volunteers, and local leaders that make up Main Street America™ represent the broad diversity that makes this country so unique.

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

Chicago, Illinois © Main Street America


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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

Waterloo, Iowa © Main Street Waterloo

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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People sitting at café tables set-up along a street lined with tall office buildings.

Birmingham locals enjoying the café-style seating found on 20th Street. © REV Birmingham

Main Street America — alongside our co-host partners Main Street Alabama and Sweet Home Alabama is incredibly excited to co-host the 2024 Main Street Now Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, from May 6 – 8. In this second article of a three-part series exploring the intersection between this year’s conference themes and community-based initiatives in Birmingham, we are pleased to collaborate with REV Birmingham and Woodlawn United. Keep reading to learn more about these organizations and their work to reenergize spaces and places through civic infrastructure projects in the city’s historic commercial corridors.

Conference registration is open, with regular rates available through April 26. Check out the conference website and follow the conference’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for the latest updates.

The Power of Place 

REV Birmingham (REV) is a place-based revitalization and economic development nonprofit working to make Birmingham the best version of itself. By strengthening places and creating experiences, we’re on a mission to create vibrant commercial districts. But what does vibrant” mean in practice? We consider it a combination of authentic places and diverse people. It’s that thing you picture when you think about the best, most memorable places you’ve visited — and it’s a key element of third places, locations outside of our home and workspaces where we exchange ideas, have a good time, and build relationships — places where we foster community connection. 

Because we believe in harnessing and multiplying the power of place, we lead projects that impact (and sometimes create) civic infrastructure — parks, trails, Main Streets, and other public places — and enhance third places, all while keeping their authenticity and character as the city grows. Below you’ll find just a few examples of these spaces in the Magic City. As you explore Birmingham during Main Street Now 2024, we encourage you to visit these special spots! 

Illustration of a tree-lined street with people cycling, walking, and sitting at café tables.

An illustrated rendering depicts a post-refresh 20th Street. Landscape Architect: Renta Urban Land

20th Street North

20th Street North has witnessed the city’s evolution over the years. Lined with a mix of contemporary businesses, shops, and restaurants — and set apart by mature trees in downtown’s only street medians as well as expansive landscaping beds — the street retains its historic charm with well-preserved architecture and landmarks. This iconic thoroughfare spans the city from north to south and acts as the spine of Birmingham.

In 2022, REV and our partners — the property owners who fund the City Center Business Improvement District (BID), the City of Birmingham, and private funders — transformed the streetscape of 20th Street North from Morris Avenue to Linn Park. The project added dedicated bike and flex lanes, native and drought-resistant landscaping, flexible café-style public seating, sidewalk and crosswalk improvements, and public art. The project, which includes five years of street maintenance and programming, was funded by proceeds of the Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District, funding specifically dedicated to downtown improvements. 

The updated usability and appearance have helped existing business owners draw more customers while attracting new businesses to vacant spaces, as well as enhanced an important third place, making it more inviting for the Birmingham community to spend time. 

People stroll down an passageway created by pop-up vendor booths.

Vendors line 55th Place South in the historic Woodlawn business district. © REV Brimingham

55th Place South and Woodlawn Street Market 

This special street, lined with historic buildings, runs through the heart of the Woodlawn commercial district and is home to well-loved businesses and experiences — like the Woodlawn Street Market, a collaboration between REV and the Woodlawn Business Association. Since 2014, Birmingham entrepreneurs have used the market as a business-proving opportunity to start small, test strategies, and get to know their customers. The market also serves as a fun, interactive third space cherished by community members and a diverse array of visitors. In 2023, Woodlawn Street Market days saw a 68 percent increase in foot traffic within the business district compared to non-market days! In 2024, the REV team is introducing fun new concepts to these popular events to welcome even more people to Woodlawn. 

  • Exterior of a brick building with lettering on the façade that reads "Coffee + Local Goods."

    Woodlawn Marketplace is open Wednesday-Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. © REV Birmingham

  • Rooms with large windows, open seating, and nooks with merchandise on display.

    Local goods and a café housed within the Woodlawn Marketplace. © REV Birmingham

Woodlawn Marketplace 

The heart and soul of Woodlawn Marketplace is supporting local businesses and building community in the historic Woodlawn business district. Originally planned as a month-long retail pop-up experience featuring seasoned Woodlawn Street Market vendors, the Marketplace was met with such a positive reception that the REV team decided to press on and launch a larger, more permanent version to fill a vacant space in Woodlawn. In the months following that decision, REV’s Woodlawn team transformed the space, evolving it into a local retail incubator and café. Woodlawn Marketplace currently features products from 10 vendors and makers, in addition to serving tea, coffee, breakfast, and lunch. 

Woodlawn Marketplace embodies the perfect blend of community synergy, providing an informal yet vibrant setting where individuals can come together to collaborate,” said Brad Jennings, Director of Development and Communications at Woodlawn United, a nonprofit organization that serves as a community quarterback for the renewal of Woodlawn, embodying the spirit of community-driven revitalization. 

  • Vibrant mural featuring a profile of a Black woman wearing flowers in her naturally-styled hair.

    One of the colorful murals found in The Way. © Sarah C. Rutherford

  • A woman kneels to apply paint to a mural in progress.

    Mural artist in the process of creating public art in Woodlawn. © REV Birmingham

The Way 

The alleyway between 55th Street North and 55th Place North — affectionately called The Way” — is in the heart of Woodlawn’s commercial district. Several key Woodlawn businesses back up to the alley, including Woodlawn Theatre. In 2022, the Magic City Mural Festival added five new murals to the space’s walls, paying tribute to the women of Woodlawn who have kept the community together. The event even featured an all-women muralist lineup! 

The Magic City Mural Festival was one of those unique opportunities to find a project to bring together an entire community. Residents, artists, businesses, and nonprofits capitalized on a chance to convert an unused, forgotten space into an outdoor art gallery that can be enjoyed by anyone in tribute to the women of Woodlawn,” said Jason Avery, REV’s Woodlawn Community Facilitator who worked in collaboration with Woodlawn United and Blank Space Bham to transform The Way. 

These artistic endeavors not only add to the aesthetic appeal of Woodlawn, but also play a significant role in fostering community cohesion and engagement. The murals serve as focal points for social interaction and cultural exchange, inviting residents and visitors alike to explore and appreciate the unique character of the neighborhood. 

More to Come: Re-Vision Linn Park 

While there are many places and projects to celebrate, there’s still more to come! For example, REV is leading public and private partners in the development of Linn Park that drives inclusive growth, greater public use, and property reinvestment. The planning process began in April 2022 with the selection of OJB Landscape Architecture as the park designers. REV worked with OJB’s nationally-acclaimed team to host public workshops, focus groups, and administer surveys to learn more about what the Birmingham community wants to see in a re-visioned Linn Park. The community-led design created a vision for the park: 

Birmingham’s central park is where we create everyday connections, gather for important moments, and share our strength and promise. 

The Re-Vision Linn Park master plan is an ongoing project and includes a renewed park design, proposed programming and activation strategies, operations and maintenance plans, and a financial sustainability strategy. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the role that Main Street programs and community-based organizations play in enhancing quality of life and creating more sustainable communities with vibrant social capital through civic infrastructure, make sure to check out the2024 Main Street Now Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, from May 6 – 8. There you will find ample opportunities to explore this topic through education sessions, mobile workshops, network-building, and more. Registration is now open! Preview the agenda, start planning your visit, and register here >

About the Authors

Jamie Haas serves as the Communications Manager for REV Birmingham. The foundation of her work is dynamic storytelling. By way of strategic content planning, public relations and other marketing strategies, she shares REV’s mission, goals, and accomplishments with the people of Birmingham. 

As REV Birmingham’s VP of People and Places, Julie McKinney leads the design and implementation of programs in Birmingham’s Downtown and Woodlawn districts, building internal and external strategies for communications, measurement, and accountability toward REV’s goals. She also leads REV’s communication team to clearly and consistently articulate REV’s vision, mission, core values and change-making work. 

Learn more about REV Birmingham: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

Brad Jennings serves as the Director of Development and Communications at Woodlawn United. In this role, he works closely with funders and partners to coordinate fundraising and communication efforts. With nearly a decade of experience, Jennings is a seasoned communications strategist, community advocate, and fundraising expert. 

Learn more about Woodlawn United: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

Community Heart & Soul, a Main Street America Allied Member, is this quarter’s Main Spotlight advertiser. For more information about the products and services they provide to Main Street organizations, click here >