Worksheet on Community Entrepreneurial Ecosystems | Main Street America

While Entrepreneurial Ecosystem building has been cultivated organically in many technology hubs like Silicon Valley, there is an acute need for tools to assist this process in communities with more limited resources and capacity. To further the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem building movement, MSA developed a self-guided training for communities that walks local leaders through a series of inputs designed to build a greater understanding of the current entrepreneurship support system.

Building a Community Entrepreneurial Ecosystem — A Self-Guided Training for Communities provides the foundational knowledge you’ll need to begin, including how to integrate this work into existing workplans and the Four Point framework, and how to comprehensively evaluate your current Ecosystem. Whether you are new to the field or a veteran practitioner, this step-by-step guide will offer you the springboard you need to build a thriving entrepreneurial culture.

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People socialize at an event in a winery

Denison, TX © Donna Dow