25 Small Business Owners Receive $30,000 Grants through Backing Small Businesses Program | Main Street America
Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Three Main Street America Staff members standing in front of a mural in Marion, Iowa.

Marion, Iowa © Tasha Sams


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Two community members in Emporia Kansas pose with a sign saying "I'm a Main Streeter"

Emporia, Kansas © Emporia Main Street

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Dionne Baux and MSA partner working in Bronzeville, Chicago.

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People riding e-scooters in Waterloo, Iowa

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Woman and girl at a festival booth in Kendall Whittier, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kendall Whittier — Tulsa, Oklahoma © Kendall Whittier Main Street

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Designed image with blue background reading, "Backing Small Businesses Presented by American Express"

Twenty-five small business owners across the country have been awarded $30,000 Enhancement Grants through the Backing Small Businesses grant program, presented by American Express and Main Street America. The 25 small businesses receiving enhancement grants represent 25 states across the country. Earlier this year, each of these recipients also received an additional $10,000 as part of a 500-member cohort. 

In 2021, American Express and Main Street America created the grant program to help small business owners recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and grow their businesses. In its first two years, the program provided over $4 million in grants to 680 small business owners across the country. Including the awards announced today and the awards granted in the summer, the program will have provided nearly $9.8 million in grants to 1,180 small business owners nationwide, with more than $5.7 million of that granted in 2024.

Small businesses are a pillar of our communities, bringing culture, character and connection to our neighborhoods. We are grateful to be able to provide enhancement grants to businesses across the country that bring hope, vitality and resilience to the communities they serve,” said President of the American Express Foundation Madge Thomas.

These Enhancement Grants represent more than just financial support – they’re an investment in the innovative spirit and resilience that defines America’s small business community,” said Main Street America President and CEO Erin Barnes. By providing additional funding to businesses who have already demonstrated their potential through our program, we’re deepening our commitment to building community wealth and creating meaningful investment in local economies. Together with American Express, we’re proud to have expanded our impact in 2024, and to help write the next chapter in these entrepreneurs’ success stories in 2025.” 

Meet the Backing Small Businesses Enhancement Grant Recipients:

  1. At Your Feet Podiatry | Dover, New Jersey
  2. Aztech | Grand Rapids, Michigan
  3. Capital Ice Cream | Hartford, Connecticut
  4. Cat Tales Cat Cafe | Chapel Hill, North Carolina (Local Main Street Organization: Downtown Chapel Hill Partnership)
  5. Community Grounds: Coffee & Meeting House | Columbus, Ohio
  6. Denver DJ School | Denver, Colorado
  7. Destiny African Market | Randolph, Massachusetts
  8. Fig Street Inn | Cape Charles, Virginia (Local Main Street Organization: Cape Charles Main Street)
  9. Grain Artisan Bakery | Snohomish, Washington (Local Main Street Organization: Historic Downtown Snohomish Association)
  10. Gu Grocery | Los Angeles, California 
  11. Lily & Sparrow Mercantile | Covington, Georgia
  12. Munson & Brothers | Columbus, Mississippi (Local Main Street Organization: Columbus Main Street)
  13. Munster & Company | Corvallis, Oregon
  14. North Peak Performance | Mannington, West Virginia (Local Main Street Organization: Mannington Main Street)
  15. PROCESS | Stevens Point, Wisconsin (Local Main Street Organization: Stevens Point Downtown Business Improvement District)
  16. Redwood Literacy | Chicago, Illinois
  17. River City Growers | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  18. River Valley Town Square | Russellville, Arkansas (Local Main Street Organization: Main Street Russellville)
  19. Sandpiper Landing Inn | Branson, Missouri
  20. Soar Pediatric Therapy | Sidney, Nebraska (Local Main Street Organization: Historic Downtown Sidney)
  21. Sprinkle Me Sugar | Jackson, Tennessee (Local Main Street Organization: Jackson Downtown Development Corporation)
  22. Trauma Specialists of Delaware | Milton, Delaware (Local Main Street Organization: Town of Milton Revitalization Committee)
  23. Truth or Consequences Contemporary | Truth or Consequences, New Mexico (Local Main Street Organization: MainStreet Truth or Consequences)
  24. Weiser Classic Candy | Weiser, Idaho (Local Main Street Organization: Weiser Economic Development)
  25. Zimmerman Art Glass | Corydon, Indiana (Local Main Street Organization: Main Street Corydon)

This program marks the latest effort in American Express’ Backing Small” initiative to provide financial support and resources to help small business owners thrive and recover stronger from disasters. Other Backing Small programs include Backing Historic Small Restaurants. Backing Small complements American Express’ Shop Small and Small Business Saturday.

What is Small Business Saturday? 

On November 30, 2024, American Express celebrated its 15th Small Business Saturday in the U.S., which was founded by American Express in 2010 and has highlighted the significance of supporting small, independently owned businesses across the country. Falling between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s a day dedicated to supporting the local small businesses that help create jobs, boost the economy, and keep communities thriving across the country. 

Small Business Saturday has grown to be a year-round, global Shop Small movement taking place in more than a dozen countries around the world each year.

Building on its legacy of community impact, American Express also supports small businesses through a range of grant programs designed to help their recovery, growth, and long-term resilience.